Document Custodian: the person who has charge or custody of the document. In the case of making an attested copy, the document custodian is the person presenting the document, who may or may not be the document signer or a party named in the document.
Electronic Notarization: the process of performing a notarial act according to the applicable states laws on an electronic document, rather than a paper document.
Electronic Signature: any electronic character, symbol, letter, sound, or process that has been attached to or logically associated with an electronic record, and executed or adopted by a person with the intent that it shall be his signature.
Escrow: putting documents, property, or funds in the hands of an independent third party.
Execute a Document: to perform all formalities necessary to make a document fully effective. This is often a matter of just signing, but may also require a notarial act, delivery, or other element.
Executor: a person in charge of carrying out the provisions of a will.
Free Act and Deed: sometimes found in acknowledgment notarial certificates (see
Acknowledgment Certificate above) to indicate that the signer was not coerced (see Coerce, Coercion above) into signing the document.
Grantee: a person (usually the buyer) who receives the deed of real property from the grantor.
Grantor: a person (usually the seller) who transfers a deed of real property to the grantee.
Guardian: a person in charge or a minor and/or their property.
Identification Document: in the event a notary does not personally know (see Personally Known below) the signer, the notary may accept an identification document that is deemed acceptable by the state notary law.
Instrument: this may be a written document, or an electronic document. As used in notarial law and practice, an instrument is a document that requires a signature and a notarial act to be fully executed.
Jurat: the written notarial certificate found on an affidavit, application or other document, indicating that the signer swore or affirmed to the notary under penalty of perjury that the information in the document is the truth. It also certifies that the signer signed the document in the presence of the notary on the date indicated in the jurat.
L.S. (locus sigilli): “the location where the seal is placed” in Latin.
Lien: a legal right or security attached to real estate or personal property until the payment of some debt, obligation, or duty.
Malfeasance: the doing of an act which a person should not do at all.
Misfeasance: the improper doing of an act which a person might do lawfully.
Mortgage on Real Property: a document creating a lien on a property.
Negligence: the failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances.
Notarial Act: an official act that a notary public is authorized to perform by statute.
Notarial Certificate: a written statement signed and sealed by the notary public certifying the facts of the notarial act performed immediately prior to filling out the notarial certificate.
Oath: any form of attestation or pledge by which a person signifies that he/she is bound in conscience and out of a sense of responsibility to a Supreme Being to the truthfulness of some statement. Willingly swearing to untrue statements constitutes perjury.
Original Document: for purposes of performing a notarial act (over a paper document), an original document is one that contains the signer’s wet-ink signature (see Original Signature) or that will be signed by the signer in the presence of the notary. An original electronic document is that to which the signer has affixed his/her electronic signature.
Original Signature: a signature subscribed (signed) directly onto the (paper) document in ink (wet-ink) by the person who is named on the document. In contrast, a faxed document that already displays a signature does not display an original signature, since the signature on the faxed document is a facsimile. An original electronic signature is an electronic sound, symbol or process that is affixed to an electronic document by the signer, with the intent of executing the document.
Perjury: making a false statement under oath or affirmation. Perjury is a crime punishable by a fine and/or prison term.
Personally Known: refers to knowing a person for a period of time and under circumstances which leave you no doubt as to that person’s true identity.
Power of Attorney (POA): a document authorizing a person to act as another’s agent or representative. (see Attorney-in-Fact above and Principal below)
Principal: the person who signs the power of attorney to allow the attorney-in-fact to have certain powers to act on behalf of the principal.
Proof: a declaration made by a subscribing witness usually stating that he/she witnessed the signature of the signer of the document.
Protest: a formal declaration made by a notary declaring a default in payment on a promissory note.
Reasonable Care: the degree of care which a person of ordinary prudence and intelligence would exercise in the same circumstances. Failure to exercise such care is negligence.
Recordable Document: a document that the recording authority (clerk of the county court, for example) is authorized to record, usually by state statute. Certified copies of a recordable document may not be made by a notary public. A certified copy of a recordable document must be obtained from the recording authority.
Representative Capacity: having the authority to act for and on behalf of a person, corporation, partnership, trust, or other entity as:
• An authorized officer, agent, or partner;
• A public officer, personal representative, or guardian;
• An attorney-in-fact for a principal;
• An authorized representative or in any other capacity recited in the instrument.
S.S. (scilicet): “to wit, namely” in Latin. Archaic term generally used to indicate the exact location of the performance of a notarial act. “S.S.” is usually found near the venue (see below) on a notarial certificate.
Statute: a law established by legislation.
Statute of Limitations: a law that sets a time limit on initiating criminal prosecution or a civil action.
Subpoena: a writ that compels a person to testify in a proceeding.
Subscribe: to place one’s signature on a document, either as the signer of the document or as a witness to the signer’s signature.
Swear: to take an oath.
Testator: the person making a will.
Venue: the location where the notarial act takes place, usually stated in the following format at the beginning of the notarial certificate:
State of _________
County of ________
Vital Record: an original document held by a state agency (or sometimes also held by the county of record) having to do with the birth, marriage, divorce, or death of an individual. Some states will include adoption documents and codicils made to correct mistakes on an original record as vital records. A certified copy of a vital record must be obtained from the agency that holds the original vital record. A notary may not certify a copy of a vital record.
Will: an instrument by which a person makes a disposition of his or her property to take effect after his or her death.
Witness: to observe the execution of, as that of an instrument, or to sign one’s name to an instrument, to authenticate it (attest it).